Tuesday, December 6, 2016

# Gri11 2.0

Dear future self,

Well I'm not really sure what to say to you right now.  Well Shawn or Shawny (whatever your name is) wait hang on my name’s still Shawn/Shawny Rickard right?. Anyway do you have any floating cars or time machines. Oh and by the way if you do could you maybe write me a letter and send it back in time. Tell me about what's happening in the future. Oh or even better come and visit me I would love to see what you look like! I bet your pretty! Oh but don't think you have to. You might not even have a time mosian. Also maybe now that you're older you can write another letter to yourself!

Ok now let's get on with the real deal. So you may not remember this so i’m going to tell you some info.  I’m in Mr R’s and Miss G’s class. Its called GRi11 2.0. G for Gordon, R for Robertson,  The i is for ten because the bottom line is the 1 in 10 and the dot at the top is the 0, Last of all the 2 1’s are 11 because we are rooms 10 and 11. We are a double class if you don't remember.

In Gri11 2.0 I have learned in a very different style that any other class I have been in. I have had one to one devices to use such as: Macbook airs, macbook pros, Ipads and chromebooks. Most people in my class call them “crapbooks”  but I don't think they're all that bad. Although I would prefer a macbook air. By the way I’m only telling you all this boring stuff because if you have all this high tech future stuff you can go “wow that stuffs ancient!”

Being in Gri11 2.0 we have learnt many valuable lessons and tricks that we can take with us our whole life. My teachers have made sure I have tried my very best at everything I do. Miss G was the “musical one” I tried chorale and kids for kids because of her. I would have never done that before.  I even got a small solo in chorale! Mr R was the “sporty one” who made ure we tried everything because it was our last year. Because of him I tried netball touch rugby and interclub tennis. Before I started tennis I sucked. I couldn’t hit the ball. But now I would say i’m alright.

What I am trying to say is Gri11 2.0 has made my life! Get it? Instead of made my day! Haha anyway we have been on camps, fun days, trips and so many more AMAZING things! I am really sad to be leaving school. I remember when I didn’t even what to come but now I don’t want to leave! So now I am here to say

# Gri11 2.0!