Thursday, May 26, 2016

My name In finger spelling!

In GRI11 2.0 for our week one home learning task we did finger spelling. Finger spelling is your name in sign language. We learnt to our finger spelling by a picture on the Internet I really liked doing finger spelling and it was fun to do. This is my name in sign Language I hope you like it!  

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A girl in another world

This is a story I made up for our free choice blog I hope you like it!

One bright sunny day Scarlett, a normal 10 year old was playing with her little sister poppy and her three older brothers James, Ashton and Matt. They were at there weird uncle fords house to stay. He was a scientist and did lots of wacky things.She didn't want to get involved with any of his experiments because she had no idea what she might go through. She went to try find the bathroom but she didn't remember were it was she found a door and decided to take her chances and go through but Scarlett new it wasn't right and left.

All day Scarlett was curios about the room. That night when she went to bed she couldn't resist.She jumped out of bed and wondered down to the room. in her nightie she opened the door and looked inside. She saw that there was a combination. Suddenly she tripped over hitting five tiles. Oh no she said she expected an alarm or something but instead she found out she had done the password.

She walked into a strange lab with lots of cool things in it. She steeped into a hole by accident and found herself swirling down into a another dimension! She closed her eyes swirling down and then when she opened them back up there she was in a funny looking dimension.  She walked through a acrid and into a dessert '' HELP '' she cried ''I don't know were I am'' suddenly a voice came for a distance. '' come, come with me I will help you.''

Scarlett walked Ford to the voice and there in front of her was an old lady. '' I am Ersalamapa'' she said '' you can call me Ersal.'' Over some time Ersal and Scarlett became good friends and she was invited to Ersals house for some super. Ersal told you to sit down'' I have something special prepared tonight I hope you like it, I now I will. Ersal liked her lips and walked away. Scarlett didn't think anything of it through and just stayed sitting down.

Scarlett looked over into the kitchen and saw an an arm the fruit bowl, As well as a foot and head! ''Ahhh'' Scarlett screamed. She new exactly what was going on Ersals a cannibal! She quickly ran out back to the acrid and was sucked back up.Scarlett opened her eyes and found herself back in her bed again It was morning now. her mum came in ''did you sleep well honey'' she said ''just fine.''  

Monday, May 16, 2016


TTS stands for Traditional teaching styles.
We did this on Tuesday. There was nothing we had in our usual class.
Only tables and chairs in rows an old projector and a hop that you had to sit in if you were being bad.     
We did a CSI on it 
A CSI is a colour symbol image. You put the colour you were felling the symbol you thought of and the image you think of. We did one on on TTS and one on learning in GRI11 2.0

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Adventures in The mansion!

In our class GRI11 2.0 we made something called a Pick A Path.
Were we write a story and there's two options and you have to pick one. I had lots of fun making them and I really hope that you like my Pick A Path!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sports Rotations!

At my school C.S.N.S We have something called a sports rotation. Every Tuesday we go to the place are sport is being held. We always have two activities to do. My favourite activate is the hokey. The hokey is run on the school turf and couched by our year five and six school sports couches.

I like the hokey because they make it fun and teach us skills we need for a game of hokey. We usually get a hokey stick and we play a game of seaweed except the tagger has to hit the other persons ball out. After that we usually do some skills and then we play a mini game of hokey with our friends.

I really love the the hokey at sports rotations but I also like the other sports as well. The sports I,v had throughout the years are Tennis, football, soccer, badminton, golf, basketball, circuits and cricket. All of these are really run and I love doing all of them. I cant till next Tuesday so I can do more sports rotations.  

Monday, May 2, 2016

The wellington trip!


In the second week of the school holidays after term One, I went to Wellington! I went with my mum and my sister. The first part was the boring car ride. Sitting in a car for three hours waiting to finally to get there. We were going to meet our cousins and auntie down there. We decided to meet them at
Toy world so we can go on the segway.

It was really fun I had a go and I went around whole store! my cousins weren't really interested in the segway the were more excited about all the Lego. When my sister had a go she wasn't as good as me. She went ford and crashed into the Lego friends shelf then she wanted to get off but the segway started spinning round and she didn't know how to get off. She finally got off and then we went to the park.

At the park there was a big white slide everyone wanted to go on. My cousins,sister and I all rushed up the slide.My auntie had meet a friend so she was talking and my mum had a work meeting with someone so she wasn't here for Toy world or the park. We had all got to the top of the slide and were waiting to go down. I went down second. It was so fun after that I went on the swings then we left we case were all hungry!

We all went went to Starbucks and had a great time and then we went home and we played some games. We played The game of life, a game with some toys and tag on the tramp. I really loved my day in Wellington and I cant wait till next time!

This is the park we went to!