Thursday, September 15, 2016

My argument

In GRI11 2.0 we have been doing lots of writing lately. I have selected a piece of writing about polar bears. This piece of writing is an argument. I used things from my inquiry and wrote something with evidence and opinion. Here is my writing.

How are polar bears dying and how can we prevent it?

Our cute fluffy polar bears are dying due to many different things. I believe that doing something is necessary.

Global warming and climate change are changing the environment that Polar Bears live in. They are causing the arctic ice to melt. Polar bears need cold weather so the ocean can freeze and they can walk across the ice to catch their prey. They can not do that if it is too warm because the ocean won't freeze over and there is no ice to walk on. If they don't eat they won't grow enough fat to make them strong and keep them warm.  Some scientists predict that if the ice continues to melt in the arctic, polar bears may die out in 2040!

Because of climate change the polar bears are forced to spend more time off the ice/water, they meet humans more than they used to. This meet can cause harm or even death to both humans and polar bears. There is some things that can be provided from dead polar bears like Polar bear fur or Polar bear rugs. Back in the early 1800s there was lots of polar bear catching and killing which brought their numbers down. Now their numbers have gone up slightly as there is not as much killing, but there is still some going on and that needs to stop. While they may be nice decorations it is not very good for the polar bears.

Polar bears have an important role in keeping marine life healthy so without them the Arctic environment will not be the same. Over thousands of years, polar bears have also been an important part of the cultures and traditions of Arctic people.  

So now you have heard what I have to say about polar bears, I hope you have had second thoughts about them and are thinking about helping. Some great ways to help the polar bears are to Use Less Energy , Buy Less , Conserving Water , Driving Less and Eating Less Meat. If everybody does these things we will be able to help the polar bears and give them a better life.

Help make a change!

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